Layer Cake Quilt Along

Layer Cake Quilt Along
Hunky Dory by Moda

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Well . . . this is a HUGE button. I'm going to participate in a Layer Cake Quilt Along with Moose on the Porch Quilts. It begins on November 2. I'll be posting my progress.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today is "the day after the night before". Don's son Rob and his family are here for Education Week at BYU. Nancy, Don's daughter, and her daughter, Lindsey, are here too. They all came for a nice dinner of grilled salmon, caesar salad, potato salad, garlic bread and corn on the cob; trifle for dessert. The best part though was a really great visit. We don't get together often and it was good to catch up. Don had recorded several episodes of "Rupert" and the kids were engrossed. They all loved my kitty, Ali the Cat.

Don has been having trouble with a sore arm. He went to the doctor yesterday only to find out that it's stress! Education Week starts today. He'll be teaching "Growing Together in Love", a presentation on marital solidarity. He has been excited at the prospect, but is now totally stressed out about it. I'll be glad when it's over!!

Off I go to the dentist today for two new crowns. Not a bad process considering the alternative . . . a big gap with no teeth!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This is My New Blog!

As I grow older, I realize that the council to keep a personal journal is not just for our progenitors, but for ourselves. I can't seem to remember even an iota of the events that occurred during my life, at least with any accuracy. I'm not a humorous writer, maybe not even interesting, and my writing skills are waning, but I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens . . .

You are welcome to come along for the ride, if you like.
Here we go . . .